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Showing posts from March, 2014

142- rob during his navy days in the 70's Port Louis, Mauritius- On Roberts wrist he is wearing our dads, 20 or 25 year ICI watch!

141- Rob on the ship; Clan Malcolm, Port Louis, Mauritius

140- Mum and dad Happy valley llandudno in the 60's

139- Cliff, dad, Jacqueline in the 60's north wales.

138- Cliff and mum 1977 in new brighton

137- Uncle John on one of his whaling ships. probably 1950's

136- Dad, maybe in wales.

135- Uncle George and Cliff, 1977, 191 northwich road.

134- Dad fishing, at perhaps the river weaver.

133- Down at the locks, mum dad and robert.

132- Garden of 191 Northwich road, dad with his new motor mower. early 70's

131- Rob in the navy, 1960's vessel unknown so far

130- As used by mum and dad. Liverpool overhead railway, with liver building in the background.

129- Grandad edward on the left with friend. liverpool

128- Mum and Dad with friends & relatives- Sefton park or, princess park liverpool 30's

127- Mum and dad in the middle with friends, sefton park or princess park- Liverpool

126- Our nan, with children unknown so far,

125- nana margaret

124- Auntie olive (I think) & nana Margaret.

123- In front of 191 northwich road, mum and dad with (Auntie) Mable and (Uncle) Bob Lawrence from Keepers Lane. They lived next to Keegans' and across from Chapman's house.

122- Mum, 1940's location unknown

121- Auntie Joan and Uncle George

120- Mum on uncle teds motorbike, 46 cleavedon street.

119- Mum and Auntie Phyllis, Uncle teds bungalow.

Quoted from Robert Houston " I went to Uncle Ted's bungalow on the Wirral a few times.  Once I went there on my bike.  I got a bit mixed up at the Queensferry roundabout and had to ask a policeman the way.  No Sat Navs them days...I didn't even have a map. Just follow the road signs.  I had just bought one of those mileage counters that fitted on the wheel.  So I just went out one day to put some miles on it.  Before I knew it I was almost in Chester so I just kept going and ended up at Uncle Teds. The place was Heswall on the River Dee.  To call it a bungalow would be kind. It had no running water and the inside walls were as thin as paper. They used to keep a big barrel in the kitchen with water in it.  I was about 12 or13 then.  In 1961, when I was 12, I rode across the Runcorn-Widness bridge on my bike.   I was going to go on opening day but Dad told me to wait a few days because he thought there would be lots of cars racing a...

118- Mum, Robert, Brian & Auntie Joan

117- Auntie Phyllis, uncle Ted & auntie Joan

quoted by Robert Houston " I went to Uncle Ted's bungalow on the Wirral a few times.  Once I went there on my bike.  I got a bit mixed up at the Queensferry roundabout and had to ask a policeman the way.  No Sat Navs them days...I didn't even have a map. :) Just follow the road signs.  I had just bought one of those mileage counters that fitted on the wheel.  So I just went out one day to put some miles on it.  Before I knew it I was almost in Chester so I just kept going and ended up at Uncle Teds.  :)   The place was Heswall on the River Dee.  To call it a bungalow would be kind.  :)  It had no running water and the inside walls were as thin as paper.  They used to keep a big barrel in the kitchen with water in it.  I was about 12 or13 then.  In 1961, when I was 12, I rode across the Runcorn-Widness bridge on my bike.   I was going to go on opening day but Dad told me to wait a few days because...

116- Dad, Robert & mum. late 40's or early 50's

115- Dad and uncle George.

114- Robert, dad, auntie Joan, brian & uncle George, early 50's

113- Mum & dad, late 40's, early 50's location unknown

112- Dads, army pictures, 1946-47 Palestine and possibly Italy. & north Africa.

111- Mum, robert, auntie joan & uncle george, garden of 191 northwich road. 1950's

110- Vivian, Valerie, Cliff and Jacqueline, gleave road.

109- Jacqueline and cliff colwyn bay

108- Jacqueline and cliff- conway, llandudno or colwyn bay

107- Uncle bill and auntie joyce, date unknown